m/v Amaltal Mariner—located NZ
Builder Astilleros Gondan S.A Austrias, Spain
Class Lloyds 100A1 Class C Type of Vessel
Faroes Type Wet Fish Stern Trawler
Delivery Date September 1996
Crew (Surveyed) 10 Crew (Operational) 8 Maximum
Speed 12 Knots
Length Overall 37.00m Lbp 32.35m
Breadth Moulded 9.60m Depth to Main Deck 4.40m Depth to Trawl Deck 6.70m Draught 5.50m Gross Tonnage 555 ton
Main B & W Alpha 6L28/32A.1470kw @ 775rpm
Main Gearbox Alpha Reduction Gear 39V 016
Shaft Generator Leroy Type LSA M49.1
Auxiliary Engine Cummins Model K.T.A 19 G2.Generator Stamford Type C061908/01
Fuel Oil Separator Alpha Laval Type MMP X 303
Rescue Boat Zodiac Type RIBO 6/S, 50 hp Outboard Motor
Air Conditioning Unit Bitzer Type 2NZ
Hold Refrigeration Bitzer Type 4P2
Galley Equipment BURAGLIA
Life Rafts Type Z SP 10
Fresh Water Generator Aquamar 5/6A 60001ts
Steering Gear Ulstein Type SR562.160
Air Compressors A.B.C. Type VA-70 Vitech I12 H0621A
EVAC System SARLIN Type SE044AI511
Video Camera/Monitor Type NAHAI C763
Deck Crane Hydramasfin Type HML 886 LK 29.9.0 RSW Blitzer LG 30-2Y-40P
3 x Ice Compressors DMW Copeland D8T1-450X-BMW/D
WINCH GEAR Main Trawl Winch RAPP – Hydema Norway Trawl Winch TWS-5040-22-36 Sweep Winch SW- 200 5.89 Gilson Winch GW – 3500-13-2 Cod End Winch GW – 680-3-27 Out Haul Winch GW – 200-0-8 One Net Drum Type NDS2500 Anchor Winch Rapp Hydema Type AW-26/202
Fuel Oil 104,400 Its
Fresh Water 37,968 Its
Lube Oil 12,735
Its Hold 380 m3
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